Drive Program Outcomes2024-02-12T10:14:00-05:00

Drive Program Outcomes

Access insight-rich reports at the click of a button to tell your student success story and drive program improvement.

Drive Program Outcomes

Drive student success, elevate program outcomes, and unlock program insights in one, intuitive location.

Unlock Valuable Insights that Power Continuous Improvement

In the competitive landscape of higher education, your program relies upon continuous improvement to keep an edge. But without adequate insight into your program’s outcomes, your teams would lack the critical information you need to analyze and improve upon program outcomes year after year.

Cut Hidden Costs with a Single System

If your program is managing student competency development across multiple systems, you’re likely investing significant time and resources to aggregate dissimilar data at the end of each term or in preparation for each accreditation cycle.

With Tevera, you can cut these hidden costs and augment your insights by centralizing your data in one cohesive system. Instead of laboring over data consolidation and analysis, you’ll have a platform that already has everything you need, including insight-rich reports that tell your student success story to anyone and everyone.

Reporting Solutions Make Your Data Accessible When You Need It

After even one term with Tevera, your program will have accumulated vast amounts of data in the system so we’ve developed an array of reports to give your program the most comprehensive insights possible.

Focus on the Insights You Care Most About

All rubric reports have a number of additional parameters to allow you to aggregate or disaggregate data as needed by date range, assignment, assessor role, students’ programs, cohorts, specializations, demographic characteristics, and more.

Individual Student Rubric Analysis

Review an individual student’s performance and progress evaluated on a given rubric over time. Review students’ key assignments.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Group Rubric Analysis

Analyze groups of students’ performance evaluated on a given rubric, including distribution, mean, mode, and standard deviation of scores received.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Individual Student Accreditation Standards

Review an individual student’s outcomes aggregated across all assessment measures aligned to your program’s list(s) of assessment standards.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Group Analysis of Accreditation Standards

Analyze the number and percentage of students who met the minimum acceptable score when assessed across all assessment measures aligned to your program’s list(s) of assessment standards.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Form Reports

Generate reports that track student assignment progress, quickly access all program data across any form, and create easily digestible reports in just a few clicks.

Analyze all data stored in any electronic forms in Tevera for qualitative and quantitative program insights. 

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Field Placement Reports

Pull comprehensive reports on field placement information at the click of a button. View current and past student placement information for all students in your program, complete with placement start and end dates, site name, supervisor name and contact information, and supervisor qualifications.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Time Reports

Report on student time entries in a variety of formats. Review hours logged by an individual, or across the entire program. Assign time reports to students so that they can easily generate their own reports for validation by a site supervisor.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Program Audit Reports

Generate reports that give you more insight into the activity in your Tevera instance. View a summary of communications sent throughout your program, a history of student purchase records, and review audits designed to expose gaps in your program’s setup so that you can be sure everything will function smoothly when your students get started in Tevera. 

Export Capabilities

In addition to the slew of reports that can selectively pull out data related to forms, time tracks, and site placement information in Tevera, you can also export any data that is stored in a table to an excel spreadsheet:

Staff and Student Information
Document Information 
Site Information
Class Information

Trusted by Programs Like Yours

See what current Tevera members are saying about their experience.

A True Partner

“Tevera’s support, ability to easily integrate with our existing systems, and its overall user-friendliness made it an easy choice. From internship to accreditation management, Tevera has saved our program more hours than I can count. Most of all, they’re kind and helpful, a true partner.”

Dr. Dina Glaser, Psy.D.,
Director of the Office of Placement and Training, Online
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Tevera Just Makes Supervision Easier

“Students we supervise from other schools (not using Tevera) have to email me their forms, then I have to print them, then I sign them, and then I’ll scan them back. With Tevera students, we’re able to just sign off on them. Tevera just makes supervision a lot easier, especially when working from home.”

Dr. Tiffany L.
Practicum Director

Tevera is Literally a Life Saver

“Gathering data used to be tedious and time consuming and now with Tevera it can be done in one click.”

Program Administrator

Using Tevera for My Post Doc Too

“I enjoyed using Tevera so much to track my internship hours that I’m planning on using it for my post doc work too!”

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