Streamline Assessment Management2023-09-25T18:09:56-04:00

Streamline Assessment Management

Design, build, execute, and improve a program-wide process for assessing student learning outcomes with Tevera.

The Assessment Management Platform Built for Student and Program Success

With an outcomes-based educational approach, your program is leading a global paradigm shift toward student-centered learning. Your students, their future employers, and your accrediting bodies want to see how much students know and what they can do with the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired upon graduation. A robust assessment framework ensures that you and your students have all the evidence needed to demonstrate just that.

Most learning management platforms are designed around traditional models of education and do a great job with content delivery and grading on a class-by-class basis. But when it comes to developing a program-wide assessment plan that monitors student competency development throughout, they can leave you with the unwelcome task of tracking down and aggregating assessment data manually.

With Tevera, your program can design, build, execute, and improve program-wide processes for assessing student learning outcomes (SLOs). Our assessment standards and rubrics support a program-wide approach by automatically aggregating data across assessment points throughout the program, simplifying ongoing evaluation to give students the support and resources they need to succeed.

The Assessment Platform Designed for Student and Program Success

With an outcomes-based educational approach, your program is leading a global paradigm shift toward student-centered learning. Your students, their future employers, and your accrediting bodies want to see how much students know and what they can do with the knowledge and skills they’ve acquired upon graduation. A robust assessment framework ensures that you and your students have all the evidence needed to demonstrate just that.

Most learning management platforms are designed around traditional models of education and do a great job with content delivery and grading on a class-by-class basis. But when it comes to developing a program-wide assessment plan that monitors student competency development throughout, they can leave you with the unwelcome task of tracking down and aggregating assessment data manually.

With Tevera, your program can design, build, execute, and improve program-wide processes for assessing student learning outcomes (SLOs). Our assessment standards and rubrics support a program-wide approach by automatically aggregating data across assessment points throughout the program, simplifying ongoing evaluation to give students the support and resources they need to succeed.

Rubrics and Standards

Manage your program’s assessment standards and align them to rubrics to quantify student performance for accreditation reporting. 

  • Identify the accreditation standards or program key performance indicators to which you’d like your program outcomes aligned.

  • Develop a master rubric for assessment of student learning outcomes spanning your entire program.

  • Align rubric criteria to assessment standards for higher-level reporting.

  • Disperse rubric criteria across dynamic forms for each assessment point.

Assessment Process
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Assessment Administration

Build a comprehensive assessment structure across all courses in your program which can be executed, improved upon, and iterated, term after term. 

  • Facilitate student key assignment uploads in core courses throughout the program.

  • Implement corresponding assessment measures in core courses.

  • Execute assignment collection and assessment structure term after term.

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Assessment Map

View and share the alignment of assessment standards to rubrics, class assignments, and class templates for comprehensive insights into your program’s assessment structure.

  • Confirm your assessment structure setup. 

  • Gain insight into assessment points throughout the program.

  • Share assessment map with program stakeholders and accrediting bodies.

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Key Assignments

Collect students’ key artifacts, allowing them to build out their academic portfolio and allow faculty to review and assess student competency all in one place

  • Collect and store students’ key assignments and artifacts.

  • Enable faculty to assess students on an individual basis, or evaluate all students at once using our dynamic group assessment tool. 

  • Gather aggregate data on student learning outcomes.

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Trusted by Programs Like Yours

See what current Tevera members are saying about their experience.

A True Partner

“Tevera’s support, ability to easily integrate with our existing systems, and its overall user-friendliness made it an easy choice. From internship to accreditation management, Tevera has saved our program more hours than I can count. Most of all, they’re kind and helpful, a true partner.”

Dr. Dina Glaser, Psy.D.,
Director of the Office of Placement and Training, Online
The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

Tevera Just Makes Supervision Easier

“Students we supervise from other schools (not using Tevera) have to email me their forms, then I have to print them, then I sign them, and then I’ll scan them back. With Tevera students, we’re able to just sign off on them. Tevera just makes supervision a lot easier, especially when working from home.”

Dr. Tiffany L.
Practicum Director

Tevera is Literally a Life Saver

“Gathering data used to be tedious and time consuming and now with Tevera it can be done in one click.”

Program Administrator

Using Tevera for My Post Doc Too

“I enjoyed using Tevera so much to track my internship hours that I’m planning on using it for my post doc work too!”

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