Drive Program Outcomes ( Cloned )2023-02-23T11:10:52-05:00

Drive Program Outcomes

Elevate student success, drive program outcomes, and unlock program insights in one, intuitive location.

Drive Program Outcomes

Drive student success, elevate program outcomes, and unlock program insights in one, intuitive location.

Unlock Valuable Insights that Power Continuous Improvement

In the competitive landscape of higher education, your program relies upon continuous improvement to keep an edge. However, without adequate insight into your program’s outcomes, your teams would lack the critical information you need to analyze and improve upon program outcomes year after year.

But what is the cost to gather these insights?  If your program is managing student competency development across multiple systems, you’re likely investing significant time and resources to aggregate dissimilar data at the end of each term or in preparation for each accreditation cycle. 

Cut Hidden Costs with a Single System

The good news is that with Tevera, you can cut these hidden costs and augment your insights by centralizing your data in one cohesive system. Rather than laboring over data consolidation and analysis, you’ll have a platform that already has everything you need in one place, including insight-rich reports that tell your student success story to anyone and everyone.

Reporting Solutions Make Data Accessible When You Need It

After even one term with Tevera, your program will have accumulated vast amounts of data in the system so we’ve developed an array of reports to give your program the most comprehensive insights possible.

Form Reports

Generate reports that track student assignment progress, quickly access all program data across any form, and create easily digestible reports in just a few clicks.

Analyze all data stored in any electronic forms in Tevera for qualitative and quantitative program insights. 

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Individual Student Rubric Analysis

Review an individual student’s performance and progress evaluated on a given rubric over time. Review students’ key assignments.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Group Rubric Analysis

Analyze groups of students’ performance evaluated on a given rubric, including distribution, mean, mode, and standard deviation of scores received.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Individual Student Accreditation Standards

Review an individual student’s outcomes aggregated across all assessment measures aligned to your program’s list(s) of assessment standards.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Group Analysis of Accreditation Standards

Analyze the number and percentage of students who met the minimum acceptable score when assessed across all assessment measures aligned to your program’s list(s) of assessment standards.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Field Placement Reports

Pull comprehensive reports on field placement information at the click of a button. View current and past student placement information for all students in your program, complete with placement start and end dates, site name, supervisor name and contact information, and supervisor qualifications.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Time Reports

Report on student time entries in a variety of formats. Review hours logged by an individual, or across the entire program. Assign time reports to students so that they can easily generate their own reports for validation by a site supervisor.

Click Thumbnails to Enlarge

Program Audit Reports

Generate reports that give you more insight into the activity in your Tevera instance. View a summary of communications sent throughout your program, a history of student purchase records, and review audits designed to expose gaps in your program’s setup so that you can be sure everything will function smoothly when your students get started in Tevera. 

All reports have a number of additional parameters to allow you to aggregate or disaggregate data as needed by date range; assignment; assessor role; students’ programs, cohorts, specializations; demographic fields; and more.   

Export Capabilities

In addition to the slew of reports that can selectively pull out data related to forms, time tracks, and site placement information in Tevera, you can also export any data that is stored in a table to an excel spreadsheet. These tables include: 

Staff and Student Information
Document Information 
Site Information
Class Information

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Disaggregating Student Outcomes for More Meaningful Insights

Executive Summary

Uncover how disaggregating student outcomes based on cohorts, specializations, and demographic characteristics can help you nurture student growth and drive educational success. Explore the importance, benefits, and implementation strategies in this comprehensive guide.

Unpacking Disaggregation: Why are Student Outcomes Important?

The Significance of Disaggregated Data

In the realm of educational assessment, delving into specifics matters. Broad data overlooks important nuances, and this is where disaggregating student outcomes becomes invaluable. Disaggregating data offers a platform for impactful educational policies and practices.

When it comes to educational assessment, the devil truly is in the details. While holistic data can provide a macroscopic view of student success, it often fails to uncover subtle, yet vital nuances. Disaggregating student outcomes data — breaking down data into smaller, more specific subgroups — provides an opportunity to unearth these nuances, which can significantly impact educational practices and policy (Berkner & Choy, 2008).

By examining disaggregated data, educators can gain insights into the performance of specific student groups and uncover performance trends to illuminate programmatic strengths and weaknesses. This not only offers a more granular understanding of educational effectiveness but also helps identify potential gaps or disparities, offering a launchpad for targeted improvement strategies (Darling-Hammond, 2010).

3 Ways to Disaggregate Outcomes: Cohorts, Specializations, and Demographic Characteristics

Exploring Cohorts in Data Disaggregation

Cohorts and specializations are essential in the disaggregation of student outcome data. Cohorts and specializations are particularly powerful tools for disaggregating student outcome data. Cohorts, groups of students progressing through an educational program together, provide a focused lens to observe the impact of curricular changes, instructional methods, or educational interventions year-over-year (Sapon-Shevin & Chandler-Olcott, 2001).

The Role of Specializations

Examining data by academic specialization can illuminate discipline-specific trends or challenges. It allows educators to discern patterns within specialized academic communities, providing the opportunity for the development of tailored teaching methods or support resources designed to better serve students within these disciplines (Braxton, Hirschy, & McClendon, 2004).

Disaggregating Data by Demographic Characteristics

As champions of student education and advancement, we must acknowledge the impacts that bias and privilege can have on a student’s experience. By disaggregating outcomes by demographic characteristics, you can ensure that students’ outcomes are not disproportionately determined by demographic factors such as age, race, gender identity, or sexuality. And by carefully analyzing outcomes by demographic characteristics, you can strive to make your program as equitable as possible for all students.

Disaggregated Data: Benefits for All Stakeholders

Benefits for Educators and Students

Disaggregating student outcome data brings myriad benefits for all educational stakeholders. For educators, it provides data-driven insights into teaching efficacy and student comprehension, thereby helping enhance instructional strategies (Black & Wiliam, 1998).

Students benefit from the targeted resources and supports that can emerge from this type of data analysis. They receive an education that is more closely aligned with their individual needs, learning styles, and academic paths. This can lead to improved student engagement and, ultimately, better academic outcomes (Zepke, Leach, & Prebble, 2006).

Institutional Advantages

For educational institutions, data disaggregation can inform strategic planning and policy-making, ensuring resources are allocated efficiently to maximize student success. It also provides evidence-based insights for accreditation processes, demonstrating institutional commitment to continual improvement and student achievement (Ewell, 2009).

Disaggregation Implementation: A Step-By-Step Guide

Laying the Groundwork: Establishing a Robust Data Collection and Analysis System

To effectively implement data disaggregation in an educational setting, it’s crucial to establish a robust data collection and analysis system. This involves consistent and accurate data recording, coupled with the regular review of disaggregated data by both educators and administrators (Halverson, Grigg, Prichett, & Thomas, 2007).

The foundation of effective data disaggregation is a solid data collection and analysis system. Colleges and Universities should invest in high-quality student information systems that can accurately record, store, and analyze a variety of student data points. This may encompass demographic information, academic performance metrics, student feedback, and other relevant data.

  • Uniform Data Collection: All departments should follow uniform data collection protocols to ensure consistency. This includes defining what data to collect, how and when to gather it, and how to record it.
  • Secure Storage: Colleges should also ensure that student data is stored securely to protect student privacy.
  • Regular Review: Periodically, the data should be reviewed and analyzed. Educators and administrators should both be involved in this process to ensure that different perspectives are brought to bear on the data.

Building Collaborative Environments: The Role of Communication and Teamwork

Disaggregating data is not a solitary task; it requires a team effort. Institutions should foster an environment where educators, administrators, and even students can collaborate effectively. Teams need to share insights, identify trends, and develop collective responses to the data.

Acting on the insights from disaggregated data is vital. This involves designing targeted interventions, adjusting teaching methodologies, or allocating resources in response to identified trends and gaps (Hamilton, Halverson, Jackson, Mandinach, Supovitz, & Wayman, 2009).

  • Data Literacy Training: Faculty and staff should receive training on understanding and interpreting the disaggregated data. This will ensure that everyone is equipped to understand the implications of the data.
  • Regular Meetings: Regular meetings should be held to discuss the findings from the data and brainstorm solutions for identified issues. These meetings should be inclusive, allowing for a wide range of viewpoints.

Turning Insights into Action: Designing Targeted Interventions

The ultimate goal of data disaggregation is to improve student outcomes. Once the data has been analyzed, colleges should use the insights to inform decision-making and policy development.

  • Targeted Interventions: If the data shows that certain cohorts or specializations are struggling, colleges can develop targeted interventions. These could range from additional tutoring sessions to adjustments in teaching methodologies.
  • Resource Allocation: The data can also inform how resources are allocated. For instance, if a particular specialization has higher dropout rates, resources could be diverted to provide additional support for these students.
  • Continuous Improvement: Finally, colleges should remember that data disaggregation is a continuous process. The data should be consistently monitored and the interventions reviewed to ensure they’re effective. This commitment to continuous improvement is what will ultimately lead to better student outcomes.

Learn More about Using Tevera to Power Student Outcomes for Your Program

Schedule a product overview for your team to review Tevera’s features and discuss your program’s requirements.

Furthering Your Knowledge: Resources for Harnessing the Power of Your Data

Additional Reads to Deepen Your Understanding of Disaggregating Student Outcomes

  • Berkner, L., & Choy, S. (2008). Descriptive Summary of 2003–04 Beginning Postsecondary Students: Three Years Later. National Center for Education Statistics.
  • Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (1998). Inside the black box: Raising standards through classroom assessment. Phi Delta Kappan, 80(2), 139-148.
  • Braxton, J. M., Hirschy, A. S., & McClendon, S. A. (2004). Understanding and reducing college student departure. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, 30(3).
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). The Flat World and Education: How America’s Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future. Teachers College Press.
  • Ewell, P. (2009). Assessment, accountability, and improvement: Revisiting the tension (NILOA Occasional Paper No.1). National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment.
  • Halverson, R., Grigg, J., Prichett, R., & Thomas, C. (2007). The New Instructional Leadership: Creating Data-Driven Instructional Systems in School. Journal of School Leadership, 17(2), 159-194.
  • Hamilton, L., Halverson, R., Jackson, S., Mandinach, E., Supovitz, J., & Wayman, J. (2009). Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making (NCEE 2009-4067). National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education.
  • Sapon-Shevin, M., & Chandler-Olcott, K. (2001). Student cohorts: Communities of critique or dysfunctional families? Journal of Teacher Education, 52(5), 350-364.
  • Zepke, N., Leach, L., & Prebble, T. (2006). Being learner centered: One way to improve student retention? Studies in Higher Education, 31(5), 587-600.

Navigating Accreditation Management

A Dive into Documentation, Evidence Gathering and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

Accreditation management is a multi-faceted process that requires meticulous planning, systematic implementation, and ongoing oversight. Among the myriad of challenges faced by educational institutions during the accreditation process, two stand out as particularly daunting: Documentation & Evidence Gathering and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI). 

In this blog post, we’ll delve into these two critical areas, uncovering the challenges associated with them, offering viable solutions, and outlining how Tevera simplifies both.

Documentation & Evidence Gathering

Documentation and evidence gathering form the backbone of any accreditation process. This ensures that academic standards, policies, and processes within an institution are consistently upheld. 

By compiling a comprehensive record of the institution’s practices, achievements, and areas of improvement, documentation serves as a testament to the institution’s commitment to maintaining the highest educational standards. Furthermore, it offers accrediting bodies a tangible insight into the institution’s operations, allowing them to assess its eligibility for accreditation. 

Without proper documentation, it’s almost impossible to showcase an institution’s competencies and adherence to stipulated standards. Thus, comprehensive and accurate documentation stands as a non-negotiable pillar in the pursuit of accreditation.


Challenges to accreditation management, especially documentation management and continuous quality improvement, are numerous, but these three might be the toughest:

Volume & Complexity

Accreditation requires a vast amount of documentation, which can be overwhelming given the complexity of topics covered.

Cross-Departmental Coordination

Gathering evidence often involves liaising with various departments, making the task even more challenging.

Timeliness & Accuracy

Accreditation bodies demand not just volume but timely and accurate documentation, which institutions often find challenging to produce.


To address these challenges, a few solutions are often recommended by institutions that have successfully navigated their own accreditation processes:

Dedicate a CQI Team

A team solely focused on CQI can plan, execute, and measure quality improvement initiatives without being encumbered by day-to-day operations.

Institution-Wide Feedback Platforms

Utilizing technology to solicit feedback from students, faculty, and other stakeholders can streamline the feedback process, ensuring that all voices are heard and considered.

Outcome Metrics & Dashboards

Developing specific metrics to measure the outcomes of CQI initiatives can be complemented with visual dashboards. This not only helps in internal monitoring but also provides tangible proof of improvement to accrediting bodies.

How Tevera Simplifies Documentation & Evidence Gathering and Continuous Quality Improvement

Tevera’s all-in-one education management platform simplifies documentation management and continual program improvement through a variety of interrelated features including:

Flexible Assessment Structure

Tevera’s flexible assessment structure allows you to track student performance on key program-wide assessment standards, including those mandated by an accrediting body or your program’s own specific KPIs.

Align assessment standards to rubric criteria and distribute assessment points across courses so that all faculty can assess student performance on relevant, demonstrable criteria, using a consistent rating scale

Importance of this Feature

Tevera allows you to design a consistent, repeatable strategy for measuring student performance and competency development across your program for reliable insights into program and student growth. With Tevera, you can easily align assessment standards to rubric criteria and distribute assessment points across courses so that all faculty can assess student performance on relevant, demonstrable criteria, using a consistent rating scale. 

Assessment Mapping

With Tevera, you can take a program wide view of your entire assessment strategy by viewing and exporting your assessment strategy, mapped out across all courses in your program.

Generate an assessment map report to review the assessment strategy that has been built into your program’s courses in Tevera.

Importance of this Feature

Reaffirm your assessment strategy and ensure all standards are evaluated appropriately throughout your program by viewing, exporting, and sharing your comprehensive assessment map.

Assessment Outcomes Reports

Generate reports displaying student outcomes by individuals, classes, cohorts, specializations, and select demographic characteristics to analyze student performance on one specific assessment point or across a set of standards evaluated throughout the program.

Importance of this Feature

Gain insights to inform accreditation reports and continuous program improvement efforts by generating assessment outcome reports in a wide variety of formats.

Data Exports

Exporting key program data to a spreadsheet for deeper analysis is as simple as the click of a button. Click the export icon alongside any table in Tevera to automatically generate an Excel spreadsheet of the displayed data.

Importance of this Feature

Take Tevera’s insights with you anywhere, by easily exporting any data, such as documentation, user information, student timesheets, partnering site information, and more, at the click of a button.

Outcomes-Based Assessment

Enable program faculty to evaluate student learning outcomes across the breadth of their coursework. Add key assignments and assessment rubrics to all core courses so that students can upload work samples and faculty can evaluate student outcomes aligned with student learning outcome targets.

Importance of this Feature

Foster a culture of reflection and improvement by incorporating outcomes-based-assessment into all core coursework throughout your program.

Data Storage and Organization

Organize your program’s data and documentation effortlessly and leave arduous record-keeping in your program’s past. Tevera’s intuitive data storage structure will ensure that your data and documents are automatically organized according to logical schema, making it easy for you to find, update, and export data any time you need it.

Importance of this Feature

Organize, update, store, and export data and documentation in an intuitive system, for thorough record-keeping and program management over time. 

Learn How Tevera Can Transform Your Program

Tackling the challenges associated with accreditation management requires a mix of strategic planning, technology, and collaborative effort. Programs that invest in these areas are not only better prepared for the accreditation process but are also better equipped to offer superior educational experiences to their students.

Learn how Tevera can support you by scheduling  a product overview for your team to review Tevera’s features and discuss your program’s requirements.

What are Program Outcomes and Why are They Important?

Program outcomes are specific statements that describe the knowledge, skills, and abilities students should possess upon completing a program. They are important because they provide a clear framework for measuring student success and assessing the effectiveness of educational programs.

Enhancing Student Engagement through Effective Program Outcome Tracking

In an ever-evolving educational landscape, innovation is vital. Program outcome tracking, a method of assessing students and programs through outcomes-based measures, enables your program to continuously improve and innovate, year after year. In this article, we’ll delve into this concept and explore how deeply program outcomes and student engagement are intertwined.

The Advent of Program Outcome Tracking in Higher Education

Why Outcome Tracking Matters in Education Today

Program outcome tracking is a comprehensive approach that assesses the efficacy of academic programs. It quantifies various factors such as learning outcomes, student satisfaction, and career progression of graduates. By offering rich, insightful data, this method allows institutions to fine-tune their programs, ensuring they are aligned with the ever-evolving needs and expectations of students.

Decoding the Buzz Around Program Outcome Tracking

Let’s consider a scenario where you’re navigating a dense forest without a map or compass. The chances of reaching your intended destination would be slim. Similarly, running an educational program without a clear understanding of its outcomes is like walking blindfolded. Program outcome tracking serves as the much-needed compass, guiding universities towards the ultimate goal – student success.

Student Engagement: The Secret Sauce to Exceptional Program Outcomes

Unlocking the Meaning of Student Engagement

Student engagement isn’t just about classroom participation or good grades; it delves much deeper. It represents the degree to which students invest themselves in their academic journey. It’s a measure of their intellectual curiosity, their active involvement in learning, and their emotional connection to their studies. PLOS, a leading open-access scientific journal, published a study that found a positive correlation between student engagement and academic success.

At Tevera, we’ve seen the benefits of both field experience and outcomes based assessment as drivers for student engagement. When students have a chance to see their progress toward meeting skill and knowledge-based outcomes and practice those competencies in professional settings, their educational journey transcends the theoretical and becomes a bridge to their future.

Why Engagement Is the Cornerstone of Academic Success

Engaged students aren’t just recipients of information; they’re active contributors to their educational journey. They ask questions, discuss ideas, practice skills, and challenge conventions. The result? They tend to have better academic performance, a higher retention rate, and an overall positive and fulfilling experience in higher education.

The Powerful Intersection of Program Outcome Tracking and Student Engagement

Discovering the Symbiosis between Outcome Tracking and Engagement

Program outcome tracking and student engagement are intrinsically linked. By pinpointing areas of strength and weakness in a program, program leadership can better understand how to influence student engagement levels. On the flip side, highly engaged students are likely to produce positive program outcomes, creating a cycle of continuous improvement.

Real-World Success Stories: The Impact of Strategic Outcome Tracking

Effective outcome tracking can transform the student and faculty experience and it even has the potential to open up new possibilities for higher education programs. One Tevera partner, Thomas University, has been able to leverage Tevera’s data collection tools to apply for additional grant funding for their students.

Steps to Propel Student Engagement with Program Outcome Tracking

Navigating the Path to Effective Program Outcome Tracking

The path to effective program outcome tracking begins with setting clear, measurable objectives. Following this, it’s essential to gather relevant data consistently. Finally, regular analysis and interpretation of this data allow for continual adjustments and improvements. Remember, consistency is key; regular tracking ensures you stay on the pulse of your program’s progress.

Essential Tools and Resources for a Successful Tracking System

To set up a successful tracking system, having the right resources at your disposal is crucial. This includes cutting-edge software tools and well-trained personnel who can handle data efficiently. These resources facilitate the collection, storage, analysis, and interpretation of data, making the tracking process more streamlined and effective.

Strategic Approaches to Enhance Student Engagement

Insights from outcome tracking should feed into the strategies aimed at improving student engagement. If data reveals students struggle with a particular module, consider modifying the curriculum or teaching methods. Tailoring academic content and delivery based on these insights can dramatically increase student engagement.

Mastering the Art of Program Outcome Monitoring and Evaluation

Setting the Stage for a Robust Monitoring System

Building a robust monitoring system requires a mix of automation and human insight. A good system continuously tracks key metrics and generates real-time reports that can guide immediate action and strategic planning. This ongoing monitoring plays a vital role in maintaining the effectiveness of program outcome tracking.

As a partner in your assessment process, Tevera will enable you to gather student outcomes data dynamically, so you can enjoy maximum insights when it comes time to review your program outcomes. Learn more about our proven approach here.

The Role of Regular Evaluation in Fine-Tuning Program Outcomes

Just like any system, program outcome tracking should undergo regular review. These reviews serve as checkpoints, offering insights into the effectiveness of tracking strategies. They provide opportunities for fine-tuning and adjusting tactics, ensuring continuous improvement in program outcomes.

Tevera’s suite of program outcomes reports offer easy access to all program data and real-time insights. Learn more about the power of Tevera’s program outcomes solution here.

Technology: The Game Changer in Outcome Tracking and Student Engagement

Leveraging Technology to Facilitate Effective Tracking

Technology has a significant role to play in the realm of program outcome tracking. Cloud-based databases, advanced analytics tools, and intuitive data visualization software can automate and simplify the process. The result is more efficient and accurate tracking, freeing up valuable time for strategic analysis and planning.

Overcoming Obstacles in Program Outcome Tracking

Common Hurdles in the Path of Outcome Tracking

Like any process, outcome tracking may come with some challenges. These might include difficulties in data collection, resistance from stakeholders, or even budget constraints. By acknowledging these potential issues early on, institutions can prepare and formulate effective strategies to overcome them.

Solutions to Triumph Over Outcome Tracking Challenges

Triumphing over these challenges requires strategic planning, collaborative effort, adequate training, and appropriate resources. Outcome tracking is a journey that involves trial and error, learning from mistakes, and constantly refining strategies. Patience, resilience, and a commitment to continual improvement are vital for success.

Tevera aims to help institutions tackle these challenges by providing value for all stakeholders, not just program leadership.

With Tevera, students embark on a path to graduation and professional success beyond; program faculty enjoy streamlined workflows and simplified class management; and field supervisors save time with expedited task completion and accessible insights into their supervisees’ progress.

By providing everyone with an engaging and rewarding experience in the platform, tailored to meet their unique needs, Tevera helps generate the adoption and engagement needed for program leadership to track outcomes program-wide.

Conclusion: The Future of Student Engagement through Outcome Tracking

Wrapping Up: Why You Can’t Ignore Program Outcome Tracking

Program outcome tracking isn’t just an academia buzzword. It’s a powerful tool with the potential to transform educational programs and drastically enhance student engagement. Ignoring it could mean missing out on opportunities for growth, improvement, and academic excellence.

Taking the Next Steps in Your Outcome Tracking Journey

Understanding the importance of outcome tracking is just the first step. The next step is to take action. Define clear objectives, gather the necessary resources, and embark on your journey towards improved program outcomes and heightened student engagement. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Learn How Tracking Outcomes with Tevera Can Transform your Program

Schedule a product overview for your team to review Tevera’s features and discuss your program’s requirements.

Furthering Your Knowledge: Resources for Effective Outcome Tracking

Additional Reads to Deepen Your Understanding of Outcome Tracking

  • Student Outcomes Assessment at Ohio University. Gray, Peter J. Assessment Update, Mar1998, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p8, 2p
  • Twenty Years of Quality Assurance in Higher Education: What’s Happened and What’s Different? Detail Only Available. EWELL, PETER. Quality in Higher Education, Jul2010, Vol. 16 Issue 2, p173-175, 3p; DOI: 10.1080/13538322.2010.485728
  • Student Learning Outcomes Assessment and a Method for Demonstrating Institutional Effectiveness. Babaoye, Marcus S. Assessment Update, Jul/Aug2006, Vol. 18 Issue 4, p14-15, 2p
  • The role of student learning outcomes in accreditation quality review. Beno, Barbara A. New Directions for Community Colleges, Summer 2004, Issue 126, p65-72, 8p
  • Two Continuums Collide: Accreditation and Assessment. Lubinescu, Edward S.; Ratcliff, James L.; Gaffney, Maureen A. New Directions for Higher Education, Spring 2001, Issue 113, p5, 17p
  • Student Learning Outcomes Initiative Gets Help from Faculty and Technology. Heiland, Linda. Academic Leader, Apr2007, Vol. 23 Issue 4, p2-3, 2p
  • The SUNY Assessment Initiative: initial campus and system perspectives. Francis, Patricia L.; Steven, Donald A. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Jun2003, Vol. 28 Issue 3, p333, 17p, 1 Chart
  • Assessment Methods Should Match Institutional Goals. Schilling, Karl. Academic Leader, Jun2006, Vol. 22 Issue 6, p2-6, 2p The management of assessment in higher education. Yorke, Mantz. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, Jun98, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p101, 16p, 1 Diagram, 3 Charts

Highest Percent of Evaluations Completed… Ever!

“As a result of using Tevera, we’ve just had the highest percent of evaluations completed this term than we’ve ever had.”

Psychology Program Chair
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