What's New: Improvements to batch updates and a new Mass Updates Workspace are now available in Tevera placement management software!
What's New: Improvements to batch updates and a new Mass Updates Workspace are now available in Tevera placement management software!
What's New: Improvements to batch updates and a new Mass Updates Workspace are now available in Tevera placement management software!
What's New: Improvements to batch updates and a new Mass Updates Workspace.
What's New: Improvements to sub-programs in reporting and integrations and a new Mass Updates workspace are now available in Tevera placement management software!
What's New: Linked assignments, pronouns in user profiles, improvements to the #402 report, a workspace for viewing video comments, tags, and standards, and a form preview feature in the assignment builder. .
What's New:Improved table filters management and improved notifications for site finalization!
What's New:Sub-programs, improved table filters, import site attributes and tags are now available in Tevera placement management software!
What's New: Manually assigned site and supervisor “Finalization,” and active/inactive filter for associated users at a site.
What's New: Linked assignments, pronouns in user profiles, improvements to the #402 report, a workspace for viewing video comments, tags, and standards, and a form preview feature in the assignment builder.
What's New: Improvements to video assignments and the groups parameter in admin reports.