The All-in-One Field Experience and Assessment Management Platform for Counselor Education Programs

Develop student competency and demonstrate program outcomes with a single, unified platform.

Counselor Education Programs

Of the hundreds of counseling programs we’ve worked with, all have one thing in common: they’re passionate about their students. You are determined to support students in their journey to become successful counselors who make an impact on their communities. However, the counselor education journey is not without administrative challenges. Gathering program-wide assessment data, building relationships with placement sites, and supporting students through their practicum and internship experiences all require significant administrative resources.

Tevera provides a central hub for all your counseling program stakeholders, including students, program faculty, placement coordinators, and site supervisors. Using our platform, you can develop and execute a competency-based assessment framework to demonstrate student learning outcomes and highlight your program’s successes. Tevera also streamlines the practicum and internship placement process, providing an efficient way to build relationships with placement sites and place students. Post placement, students and site supervisors will collaborate to complete learning agreements and field evaluations, and track time in Tevera. We tie it all together with our program outcomes solution: a complete suite of reports that draw all of your data together for comprehensive program insights.

Connecting the Pieces for Successful Program Management

“Prove it” with Tevera.

Tevera is the one-stop “prove it” platform, that brings assessment management, field experience management, and program outcomes reporting together in one place. Here, your students will have the chance to demonstrate that they possess the skills, knowledge, and dispositions to meet and exceed the challenges of the professional world and you’ll demonstrate programmatic success to accrediting bodies and stakeholders!


Counselor Education Assessment Management

Student-centered learning is the heart of counseling education. It’s critical that students be able to demonstrate their knowledge and skills once they graduate and that accrediting bodies and potential employers see students’ skills and knowledge.

With Tevera, students, faculty leadership and administrators in counseling programs can aggregate student assessment data and use reporting functions to create an annual report that summarizes the program evaluation results. Each program must develop key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with CACREP standards. Tevera offers the option of weighing student outcome data against CACREP’s standards directly or against program-specific KPIs.

Tevera’s assessment management offering provides your program with the required evidence to demonstrate your students’ ability. Essential features include the following:

Align assessment rubrics to your own program-specific KPIs, or to an accrediting body’s standards (such as CACREP), so you can support individual student growth and quantify student competency development and programmatic success for accreditation. 

Build an assessment structure for collecting key assignments and assessing student performance that covers all your program courses. Then improve and execute that structure each term. 

Review the alignment between assessment standards, rubrics, class templates and class assignments to ensure a comprehensive assessment process, directly in Tevera. Share this map with accrediting bodies and program stakeholders to illustrate your assessment and data collection process. 

Students can use Tevera to upload key assignments and artifacts for faculty review and assessment. Faculty can evaluate students individually or use a group assessment tool to grade them simultaneously. Later on, administrators and faculty can gather aggregated data from these assessments to determine program-wide learning outcomes.

With lifetime access to Tevera, students will also be able to access their key assignments and any assessments that are shared with them long after graduation.


Counselor Education Field Experience Management

Practicum and internship placements are perhaps the most important part of the counselor education journey for students.

Tevera’s empowering approach to the practicum and internship experience gives students more responsibility for their experience. With an intuitive hub for students, program faculty, and site supervisors to manage tasks collaboratively, program administrators enjoy a bird’s-eye-view of the program and can keep track of all the data.

Capabilities and features include:

Build, maintain, and share a list of partnering placement sites, giving students easy-access to the site list when seeking practicum or internship placements.  

With Tevera, students can browse the program’s site list to find a suitable placement site. Once they’ve secured a placement, students will be guided through a prescribed placement workflow, designed to ensure that all necessary placement paperwork is collected.  This workflow can also allow you to vet new sites and supervisors to grow your site list. 

 Measure student impact in the field and ensure they meet program benchmarks. The activity and time tracking feature gives students an intuitive interface for tracking their time and provides quantitative data you can use to demonstrate how your students impact the communities they serve. 

Tevera’s field experience management solution allows you to create standardized field assignments and tasks, including student performance evaluations. The collaborative evaluation process makes it easy for site supervisors to share feedback with students and program faculty alike, for 360 degree student support in their practicum and internship experiences. 

Video assessments give students more growth opportunities while expanding the capacity of field site supervisors. Supervisors can evaluate student progress from one location and provide students with actionable feedback at specific points in the video. Based on their supervisor’s comments on the video, students can further hone their competencies and skills.


Counselor Education Program Outcomes

The counselor education programs that stand out are the ones that continuously improve. You need insight into program outcomes to determine where there’s room for improvement and how you can implement measures to attain it.

Tevera centralizes your data into one system, providing a platform with everything you need to reduce hidden costs and conserve resources. You get insight-rich reports like the following so you can share student successes with the world:

Generate individual progress reports to see how a student has developed their skills and competencies over time. 

Generate spreadsheets with program-wide student placement information, time and activities tracked, or assessment outcomes, for in-depth analysis, whenever you need it! 

The group rubric analysis reports let you review program-wide outcomes by auto calculating the mean, mode, standard deviation, and distribution of scores for all students within a given group, cohort, specialization, or program. 

Analyze the percentage and number of students who met the requirements for your program’s assessment standards across all assessment measures.   


Develop Student Success and Demonstrate Counselor Education Program Efficacy With Tevera

Let Tevera serve as your program’s central hub for faculty, students, site supervisors, and administrators. The platform puts all the reports and documents you need for program outcomes at your fingertips while easing the burden on everyone involved. Students get a platform to store their data and keep track of their fieldwork while programs can demonstrate program-wide competency attainment and success.

Schedule a demo today to see how Tevera works.

Unlocking Insights with TeveraDesign, build, execute, and improve a program-wide process for assessing student learning outcomes with Tevera.

Set your students up for career-long success with the leading field experience solution that unlocks program-wide insights.

COAMFTE Accreditation and Standards

Design, build, execute, and improve a program-wide process for assessing student learning outcomes with Tevera.