APA Accreditation Requirements and Standards
Achieving APA accreditation can help your students and university achieve more. Learn how software can help you earn and maintain APA accreditation.
AACSB Accreditation Requirements and Standards
Tevera is designed to be a convenient, single collection point for much of the data your program will need for CACREP accreditation and reaccreditation.
CSWE Accreditation Requirements and Standards
What is CSWE accreditation? Click here to learn how to meet the CSWE accreditation standards and criteria with accurate CSWE accreditation reporting.
CAEP Accreditation Requirements and Standards
Learn more about CAEP accreditation standards and requirements and what your institution has to do to get and maintain CAEP accreditation with Tevera today!
CACREP Accreditation and Reaccreditation
Tevera is designed to be a convenient, single collection point for much of the data your program will need for CACREP accreditation and reaccreditation.
Video Assessment for Skill-Based Learning in Teacher Education
Tevera’s video assessment tool allows students to upload video recordings to an interactive platform that brings students, university supervisors, and cooperating teachers together.
See how Tevera can elevate your program.